The electro rock band Love X Stereo is back with a new single [Hide and Seek], safe to say the teaser for the EP [We Love We Leave, Part 2]. It was extra meaningful because it was released on the date of the Seoul International Music Fair (Mu:Con) showcase held at DDP (Dongdaemun Design Plaza) on October 8, 2015.
Presenting new possibilities of electro music with a fresh vision and delicate sense, this single by Love X Stereo is quite dark compared to their previous works. At first glance, the song [Hide And Seek] may sound like a sad farewell song, but it is actually a song that contains the honest feelings and longing of those who have suffered the death of a loved one. As you can see from the lyrics “You play hide and seek / You sneak under the sea”, the death of a person is expressed as hide and seek. It is a static yet resonant song that deals with the honest feelings of someone who is no longer in this world, but as if he/she is hiding somewhere and watching him. In particular, the characteristic of this song is that the strong timpani sound that resonates in the middle sounds sad and depressing.
[Hide and Seek] is the result of 4th collab between Love X Stereo and J-Path, producer and Korea’s best DnB DJ. J-Path remixed for the EP [Glow] as well as the single [부끄러워요 Bu-kkeu-reo-wo-yo]. Also, in 2014, Love X Stereo participated in the Cleopatra Records’ (US) the [Indie Goes Pop] album, where he was in charge of mixing and producing. J-Path was their official mentor, due to the band’s K-Rookies sponsorship by the Korea Creative Content Agency in 2014, leading the band’s unique sound infused with his delicate senses and vision. In [Hide and Seek], another J-Path remix is included, which reinterprets the sad original song in a rather lively pleasurable way.
Hide and Seek (Single Version)
Hide and Seek (J-Path 88 Remix)
Love X Stereo have been hard at work the past year. We Love We Leave Part 1 was a reintroduction of the band with a bigger and polished sound. It featured a lot of older Love X Stereo songs and hinted at what was coming. Their single “Hide and Seek” is another preview of what should come on We Love We Leave Part 2. I’ve heard the song performed live before and it’s a change from older songs, but shows a definite step forward.
The duo utilise the flexibility of the electronics to generate the space they are aiming to explore, to which the distinctive vocal always captures the mood of the music as guitar delivers sympathetic balance and due to their breadth of travel it is always a refreshing surprise to discover their new pieces. Love X Stereo always provide the listener with a minty wash, that leaves you feeling better for having been showered in the sounds. Easy on the ears as it may be, the duo deliver far from anodyne music as the iterations always contain a twist or two of their unique style.
Love X Stereo is a Korean electro-rock duo based in Seoul producing 90s’-inspired tunes. A budding international band, Annie and Toby have recently released a new single, “Hide and Seek,” and they’re about to release the Part.2 of “We Love We Leave.” I had a wonderful opportunity to interview Annie, the vocalist of the band. Toby plays guitar and base. Identifying themselves as the “ultimate 90s’ kids” in an interview with K-Sound, Annie says they draw inspiration from a wide range of music as well as happenings around the world.