Rage Is Not Enough m/v won CIFF’s BEST MUSIC VIDEO AWARD…!!!
OMG 🙀🙀🙀
우리 캐나다영화제에서 상탔어요 😭😭😭
#RageIsNotEnough music video just won BEST MUSIC VIDEO at the Canada International Film Festival !!! 👏👏👏
In our m/v, we talk about social issues from #genderinequality to all sorts of corruption,
and most importantly,
how we fight against what is wrong 💪 #촛불혁명 🕯🎗
Shoutout to our director Pablo Fuentes Gomez and cinematographer Wesley Chang Photography 🙏
Thank you so much for making this beautiful, powerful music video 🎞
You guys are amazing 💕
Congrats to all of our amazing cast and crew!!!🥇
And special thanks to Danja Marcella Araica and Patrick Guitarboy Hayes 💋
We love you all #사랑합니다 💜
#lovexstereo #러브엑스테레오 #musicvideo #분노만으로는부족해요#canadafilmfestival #canadainternationalfilmfestival #CIFF 🇨🇦#bestmusicvideo #winner 🥇