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LOVE X STEREO/LATEST-NEWS /Nominated for Best Dance&Electronic Album of the Year!


Nominated for Best Dance&Electronic Album of the Year!

We’ve been informed that our album [We Love We Leave, Part 2] has been nominated for Korean Music Award’s Best Dance & Electronic Album of the Year!!! 😭😭 This is so AWESOME…

럽엑스의 [We Love We Leave, Part 2] 앨범이 올해 한국대중음악상 시상식 최우수 댄스&일렉트로닉 앨범 부문 후보로 선정되었다고 합니다 🙏🏻쟁쟁한 후보들과 함께 하게 되어 영광입니다 😀💜👍🏻